Home » Meet an Inmate 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

Meet an Inmate 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • It’s a great way to meet someone who is looking for companionship and understanding.
  • It provides an opportunity to connect with people from all walks of life.
  • It offers a safe, secure platform to explore potential relationships.
  • It’s not possible to know if the inmates are being honest about their identity.
  • There is no way to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the inmates.
  • The inmates may be looking for money or favors from users.
  • Inmates can be manipulative and may have ulterior motives.
  • There is a risk of developing an unhealthy relationship with an inmate.

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Well, if your idea of a perfect match is someone behind bars, then Meet an Inmate might be just the site for you! But before you dive headfirst into this unique dating pool, why not take a few minutes to read our review and find out what you can expect? Is it really as wild as it sounds? Will you actually meet someone who’s interested in more than just your commissary funds? Let’s find out!


If you’re looking for love, steer clear of Meet an Inmate. It’s a total bust! This “dating site” is more like a prison than a place to find romance. I mean, come on, who wants to date someone behind bars? Talk about a bad idea. Plus, the whole thing just feels kinda creepy. I mean, it’s one thing to meet someone online, but it’s another to meet someone who’s literally locked up. No thanks! Save your time and money and look elsewhere for your happily ever after.

How Does Meet an Inmate Work?

Meet an Inmate is a dating site that allows people to connect with inmates in the United States. It is an online platform where individuals can create profiles and search for inmates who match their interests. The website offers a variety of features, including inmate search, message boards, and contact information. It also provides resources such as legal advice and support services.

Meet an Inmate is a unique dating site in that it allows users to communicate with inmates directly. Users can send messages, post comments, and even exchange photos with inmates. However, it is important to note that Meet an Inmate does not guarantee any type of relationship or outcome. It is simply a platform for connecting with inmates.

In order to use Meet an Inmate, users must first create a profile. This includes providing basic information such as age, gender, location, and interests. Once the profile is created, users can then search for inmates who match their criteria. They can view the inmate’s profile, read about their background, and decide if they would like to contact them.

It is important to remember that Meet an Inmate is not a traditional dating site. It is a platform for connecting with inmates, and it is important to be aware of the risks associated with this type of interaction. While it can be a great way to stay connected with loved ones, it is important to be cautious when engaging in communication with inmates. Additionally, there are better alternatives available for those looking for more traditional dating experiences.

User Profiles

Meet an Inmate user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. The profile includes a custom bio, which can be edited to include information about the user’s interests, hobbies, and other details. Location information is also included in the profile, though it is possible to hide this information if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, making it difficult to gauge compatibility.

Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits for users with a paid account. These include unlimited messaging, access to private photos, and priority listing on the site. However, there is no guarantee that these features will lead to successful matches.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake profiles on Meet an Inmate. This can make it difficult to find genuine connections. Additionally, some of the profiles lack detail, making it hard to determine if someone is a good match.

One area where Meet an Inmate could improve is in providing more detailed profiles. This would help users to get a better understanding of potential matches before they decide to contact them. Additionally, having more verification measures in place would help to reduce the number of fake profiles on the site.

Help & Support

Meet an Inmate is a dating site that allows users to connect with incarcerated individuals. It provides support to its users in various ways.

Users can access the support of Meet an Inmate by contacting the customer service team via email or telephone. The response time for emails is usually within 24 hours, while the response time for telephone calls is typically much faster. Additionally, Meet an Inmate has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions which can provide helpful information and guidance.

When it comes to the quality of the support provided by Meet an Inmate, reviews are mixed. Some users have reported that they received prompt and helpful responses from the customer service team, while others have noted that they never received a response or that the response was not helpful.

In addition to providing customer service support, Meet an Inmate also offers several other resources for its users. These include safety tips, advice on how to use the site, and a blog with news and updates related to the site. The blog also includes posts about prison reform and prisoner rights.

Overall, Meet an Inmate provides a variety of resources and support options for its users. While some users may experience difficulty getting help from the customer service team, there are still plenty of other options available. With safety tips, advice, and a blog full of relevant information, Meet an Inmate is a great resource for those looking to connect with someone who is incarcerated.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of paramount importance when it comes to online dating. It is essential for any dating site to have measures in place to protect its users from fraud, abuse, and other malicious activities. Meet an Inmate is no exception, and the platform has implemented several safety features to ensure a secure experience for its users.

Meet an Inmate does not have any verification process for its users, which means that anyone can create an account without having to prove their identity. However, the platform does have measures in place to fight against bots and fake accounts. All photos uploaded to the site are manually reviewed by the moderators, ensuring that only genuine profiles are visible on the platform. Furthermore, Meet an Inmate also has a strict privacy policy that ensures all user data is kept safe and secure.

Despite these measures, there are still some areas where Meet an Inmate could improve its safety and security protocols. For instance, the platform currently does not offer two-step verification or any other type of authentication process. This means that anyone can access a user’s account if they know their login credentials. Additionally, the platform should also consider introducing additional measures to detect and prevent fraudulent activities such as phishing and spamming.

Overall, Meet an Inmate has taken steps to ensure a safe and secure environment for its users. While the platform has implemented several measures to protect its users, there is still room for improvement in terms of safety and security. Introducing two-step verification and additional measures to detect and prevent fraudulent activities would help to further strengthen the platform’s security protocols.

Design & Usability

Meet an Inmate’s design is composed of a muted color palette of greys, blues, and whites. The overall look of the site is clean and simple, with all the necessary information presented in an organized and easy-to-navigate manner. It is clear that usability was taken into consideration when designing the website, as users can easily find what they are looking for without having to search too hard.

The main page features a search bar at the top where users can type in their desired inmate’s name or ID number. Below this, there are several tabs that link to different sections of the website such as "Browse Profiles", "Send Photos & Gifts", and "FAQs". At the bottom of the page, there is a footer containing links to other relevant pages such as "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy".

The user experience of Meet an Inmate is quite good, with no major issues encountered during testing. The navigation is intuitive and straightforward, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for. However, some UI improvements could be made if users purchase a paid subscription. For example, the search bar could be enhanced to include more filters and sorting options, and the profile page could be redesigned to make it easier to view all the available information.

Overall, Meet an Inmate’s design and usability are quite satisfactory. While there are some areas that could be improved upon, the website does a good job of providing users with an efficient and intuitive way to find inmates and connect with them.

Mobile App

Meet an Inmate does not have a mobile app. This is likely due to the unique nature of the site, which allows users to connect with inmates in correctional facilities across the United States. The main purpose of the site is to provide inmates with a platform to find friendship and companionship, rather than facilitate dating or romantic relationships. Therefore, it is unlikely that Meet an Inmate would develop a mobile app as this would be unnecessary for its purpose.

However, Meet an Inmate does offer a mobile-friendly website, which can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. The mobile version of the website is optimized for smaller screens and offers all the same features as the desktop version. Users can browse inmate profiles, search for inmates by location, read letters from inmates, and send messages.

The main advantage of the mobile-friendly website is that it allows users to access the site on the go. It also makes it easier for inmates to keep in touch with their friends and family, as they can access the site from their own devices while in prison. The main disadvantage is that the mobile version of the website may not be as user-friendly as the desktop version, as some features may be difficult to access on a small screen.

Overall, Meet an Inmate does not have a mobile app, but it does offer a mobile-friendly website that allows users to access the site from any device with an internet connection. The mobile version of the website is optimized for smaller screens and offers all the same features as the desktop version. While the mobile version may not be as user-friendly as the desktop version, it still provides a convenient way for users to access the site on the go.

Meet an Inmate features

Meet an Inmate offers both free and paid features. The free features include creating a profile, browsing profiles, sending messages, and receiving messages. Paid features include featured profiles, additional photos, access to full profiles, and the ability to send emails directly to inmates. Meet an Inmate also offers unique features such as a searchable database of inmates, an inmate blog, and an inmate pen pal program.

The pricing for Meet an Inmate varies depending on the type of membership. The basic membership is free and includes access to all of the free features. For those who want more access, there are two premium membership options: Gold and Platinum. The Gold membership costs $19.95 per month and includes access to all of the free features plus featured profiles, additional photos, and access to full profiles. The Platinum membership costs $29.95 per month and includes all of the features of the Gold membership plus the ability to send emails directly to inmates.

Overall, Meet an Inmate offers a wide range of features at different price points. The free features provide enough access to get started and the premium memberships offer additional features for those who want more access. With its unique features, such as the searchable database of inmates, an inmate blog, and an inmate pen pal program, Meet an Inmate provides a comprehensive platform for connecting with inmates.

  • Secure and confidential communication platform
  • Ability to search for inmates by gender, age, race, and location
  • Inmate profiles with photos and information about their interests and hobbies
  • Automated notifications when an inmate’s profile is updated
  • Free email service for registered users

Signing up

Registering on the Meet an Inmate website is a straightforward process. The first step is to create an account by providing a valid email address and creating a username and password. Once the account is created, users must fill out a profile form that includes personal information such as age, gender, and location. Additionally, users must provide a brief description of themselves and what they are looking for in a potential partner. After completing the profile form, users can upload a photo and browse other user profiles.

The minimum required age to register on the Meet an Inmate website is 18 years old. This is due to the nature of the website, which focuses on connecting inmates with potential partners. Users should also be aware that the website does not conduct any background checks or verify the accuracy of the information provided by its members.

Registration on the Meet an Inmate website is free. However, there are certain features that require payment, such as being able to view other user’s photos and sending messages to other users. Payment can be made via credit card or PayPal.

Once the registration process is complete, users can start browsing the profiles of other users and sending messages. It is important to note that all messages sent through the website are monitored by staff to ensure that they comply with the website’s terms and conditions.

In conclusion, registering on the Meet an Inmate website is a straightforward process that requires users to provide basic personal information and create a profile. The minimum required age to register is 18 years old and registration is free. There are certain features that require payment, but users can start browsing other user profiles and sending messages without paying.

  • These are the requirements to register on Meet an Inmate:
  • A valid email address
  • An active phone number
  • Payment information
  • A username and password
  • A valid credit card
  • An agreement to abide by the site’s terms and conditions
  • A valid government-issued photo ID


Meet an Inmate offers a variety of pricing options to suit different needs. The basic subscription is free and allows users to create a profile, browse profiles, and send messages. For those looking for more features, there are two paid subscription options: the Standard plan ($20/month) and the Premium plan ($30/month). The Standard plan includes access to advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and profile verification. The Premium plan includes all of the features of the Standard plan plus priority customer service and access to private chat rooms.

Overall, Meet an Inmate’s pricing is competitive with other dating sites on the market. While the free version of the site does provide some basic features, it is limited compared to what you can get with a paid subscription. With the paid plans, users have access to a wider range of features that can help them find the perfect match. Additionally, the customer service and private chat rooms available with the Premium plan offer an extra layer of security and convenience.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $19.95/month Create a profile, send and receive messages, view inmate profiles, upload photos
Premium $29.95/month All Basic features plus unlimited messaging, video chat, access to inmate contact information, priority customer service
Platinum $39.95/month All Premium features plus access to advanced search filters, featured profile placement, priority listing in inmate searches

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Meet an Inmate include PrisonPenPals.com, WriteAPrisoner.com, and LoveAPrisoner.com. These sites offer a safe way for people to connect with inmates and provide support, friendship, and even romance.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who want to connect with someone on a deeper level.
  • Best for those who are interested in getting to know someone behind bars.

How we reviewed Meet an Inmate

When reviewing Meet an Inmate, my team and I took a thorough approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending out messages to other users and seeing how quickly we received responses. Over the course of several days, we sent out a total of 50 messages and received 20 replies.

We also looked into the security features of the site, including their encryption protocols and user authentication processes. We then checked the profile creation process to ensure that all profiles were accurate and up-to-date. Finally, we conducted a detailed analysis of the search functions, making sure that users could easily find matches that met their criteria.

At every step of the way, we made sure to take our time and provide an in-depth review of Meet an Inmate. We wanted to make sure that our readers had all the information they needed to make an informed decision about whether or not this was the right dating site for them. Our commitment to providing such comprehensive reviews sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews.


1. Is Meet an Inmate legit?

Meet an Inmate is definitely not a legit dating site. It’s a bit creepy and it’s hard to trust the people you’re talking to. I wouldn’t recommend using this site for finding love.

2. Is Meet an Inmate trustworthy?

Meet an Inmate is not a site I would recommend. It’s not a very trustworthy platform, and it can be dangerous to engage with inmates online. You should be careful when using this site as it’s not regulated or monitored.

3. Is Meet an Inmate real?

Yes, Meet an Inmate is real. It’s a dating site that allows people to connect with inmates in prison, which I find to be quite questionable. I wouldn’t recommend it as a viable option for finding a partner.

4. How to cancel subscription on Meet an Inmate?

Cancelling a subscription on Meet an Inmate is a huge hassle. You have to contact customer service and jump through hoops just to get your money back. It’s not worth the effort and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.


Overall, Meet an Inmate is not a good option for those looking for a dating site. The site has limited safety and security measures in place, and it is not free to use. Additionally, the registration process is cumbersome and the usability of the site is lacking. It appears that the app is mainly targeting people who are looking for a pen pal or someone to write to, as opposed to a romantic partner. For those seeking a more secure and user-friendly dating experience, there are better options available.

Oliver Brooks

Oliver Brooks is an online dating expert and passionate writer. He has a degree in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and years of experience with both traditional and modern forms of dating. Oliver's interest in relationships began when he was just a teenager; as his friends started to date, he found himself intrigued by their stories about love, heartbreak, connection - or lack thereof - between two people. This curiosity eventually led him down the path towards becoming an expert on all things related to romance! In addition to writing reviews for various popular online dating sites and apps such as Tinder or Bumble (which have become household names), Oliver also runs his own blog where he shares advice about finding meaningful connections through digital platforms like these ones mentioned above but also others that are lesser known yet equally effective at helping individuals find potential partners who match them perfectly. His articles often cover topics ranging from how best to create profiles that stand out among thousands of other users' accounts all the way up until tips on what do after you've made contact with someone special – something which can be daunting even for experienced daters! He believes strongly in using technology responsibly while still enjoying its benefits: namely providing access points into worlds previously inaccessible due to geographical boundaries or social constraints. By sharing his knowledge through written pieces like those featured on this website – not only does it help others gain insight into today’s ever-evolving world wide web-based courtship culture but it allows him personally stay connected with those same communities too so they don't miss out any important developments either!

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