Home » FastMeet in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

FastMeet in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • FastMeet makes it easy to find potential matches in your area.
  • The app is free and simple to use.
  • It has a great user interface that makes it fun to browse profiles.
  • No in-depth profile customization options.
  • Limited search filters for finding matches.
  • Not enough users to guarantee a match.
  • Lack of safety features like photo verification.
  • Messaging system is slow and unreliable.

Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right? Well, have we got the app for you! FastMeet is a dating app that promises to make your search for romance a breeze. But does it deliver? Read on to find out! Is it worth downloading? Does it offer something unique? Can you really find true love with this app? Let’s take a closer look and find out!


Well, let me tell you, FastMeet is about as useful as a chocolate teapot! I’ve tried a few dating apps and sites, and FastMeet was one of the worst. It’s full of fake profiles, and there’s no way to filter out the fakes from the real people. Plus, it’s so slow that it feels like it takes forever to load anything. All in all, it’s just not worth your time or money. Save yourself the headache and try something else!

How Does FastMeet Work?

FastMeet is a dating app that helps users find potential matches in their area. It has a simple interface and is easy to use. The app allows users to create a profile, upload photos, search for other users, and send messages. Users can also set up filters to narrow down their search results.

FastMeet works by allowing users to connect with other users who are within a certain distance from them. When two users match, they can start messaging each other and get to know each other better. They can also add each other as friends or even meet up in person if they wish.

The app also offers additional features such as “Discover” which shows users profiles of people nearby, “Hot or Not” which lets users rate other users’ profiles, and “Groups” which allows users to join groups based on interests.

Overall, FastMeet is an okay dating app but there are better alternatives out there. It does have some useful features, but the user base is not very large and the app can be slow at times. If you’re looking for a more reliable and popular dating app, then you should consider other options.

Design & Usability

FastMeet has a modern and visually appealing design, with a predominantly white background, blue accents, and orange highlights. The overall look is clean and minimalistic, making it easy to navigate and use the app. There are no flashy graphics or overly complicated features, allowing users to focus on the content of the app.

The usability of FastMeet is excellent. All of the main functions are easily accessible from the home page, and the navigation bar at the top allows users to quickly switch between different sections. The user interface is intuitive and straightforward, so even those who are not tech-savvy can easily use the app.

Users who purchase a paid subscription will have access to additional features, such as advanced search options and more detailed profile information. These features make it easier to find compatible matches and increase the chances of finding a successful relationship.

Overall, FastMeet’s design and usability are impressive. However, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the app could benefit from a better search function, as well as more detailed profiles and filters. Additionally, the app could benefit from more social features, such as group chats and forums, to help users connect with each other. Finally, the app could also benefit from a more personalized experience, such as customizing the home page based on the user’s preferences.

User Profiles

FastMeet user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. Users can set a custom bio, but the location info is not optional and cannot be hidden. The profiles do indicate the distance between users, which can be helpful for those looking for someone in their local area. There are no benefits for a profile with a premium subscription. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake profiles on FastMeet, so it is important to be vigilant when using the app.

The user profiles on FastMeet provide a good amount of information about each user. Each profile includes a profile photo, age, gender, location, and a custom bio. Additionally, the profile will display the user’s interests and hobbies. This allows users to get an idea of who they are talking to before engaging in conversation.

One thing that could be improved on FastMeet is the ability to search for users. Currently, users can only search by location, which can make it difficult to find someone specific. It would be beneficial if users were able to search by other criteria such as age, gender, or interests. This would make it easier to find people with similar interests or who live in the same area.

Overall, FastMeet provides users with a good amount of information about each user in their profile. While the app does have some issues with fake profiles, users can protect themselves by being vigilant. Additionally, the ability to search for users could be improved by allowing users to search by more than just location.


FastMeet does have a website version. The website is designed to be easy to use and navigate, with all the features of the app available on the website. It has a simple design that allows users to quickly find what they are looking for. The main advantage of the website is that it allows users to access their account from any device, including laptops and desktop computers. This makes it easier for users to stay connected even when they are away from their phones.

The website also offers similar features compared to the app. Users can search for potential matches, view profiles, send messages, and upload photos. Additionally, the website has a feature called “My Matches” which shows users who have already liked them. This feature helps users save time by quickly finding potential matches.

The main disadvantage of the website is that it does not offer the same level of security as the app. Since the website is open to anyone with an internet connection, it is more vulnerable to malicious activity. Additionally, the website does not have the same level of privacy protection as the app, so users should be aware of this when using the website.

Overall, FastMeet’s website version is a great way for users to access their account from any device. It offers similar features compared to the app, but users should be aware of the lack of security and privacy protection.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and FastMeet is no exception. As one of the leading dating apps, FastMeet takes the safety and security of its users seriously. To ensure that users have a safe and secure experience, FastMeet has several verification options available.

FastMeet requires all users to verify their accounts through email or phone number. This helps to ensure that only real people are using the app. In addition, FastMeet also uses algorithms to detect bots and fake accounts. This helps to protect users from being scammed or harassed by malicious actors.

For added security, FastMeet also offers a two-step verification option. This allows users to add an extra layer of protection to their accounts. By enabling two-step verification, users can rest assured that their account will remain secure even if someone else gets access to their password.

FastMeet also manually reviews all photos uploaded to the app. This helps to ensure that all images are appropriate and do not contain any explicit content. Additionally, FastMeet has a strict privacy policy in place which outlines how user data is handled and stored.

While FastMeet does take measures to ensure the safety and security of its users, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, FastMeet could offer more comprehensive tutorials on how to stay safe while using the app. Additionally, FastMeet could also introduce more advanced features such as facial recognition technology to further protect users from malicious actors.

Overall, FastMeet takes the safety and security of its users seriously. With its verification options, two-step verification, photo review process, and privacy policy, FastMeet ensures that users have a safe and secure experience. However, there are still some areas that could be improved to further enhance the safety and security of its users.

Help & Support

FastMeet is a dating app that provides users with the opportunity to meet new people and potentially find love. The app offers a range of features, including profile creation, messaging, and photo sharing. However, there may be times when users need help or have questions about how to use the app. In these cases, FastMeet provides support for its users.

The primary way to access support from FastMeet is through their website. On the website, users can submit a ticket with their query or issue. They will then receive a response from the FastMeet team within 48 hours. Unfortunately, some users have reported that they have not received a response or that the response was not helpful.

In addition to submitting a ticket, users can also find answers to frequently asked questions on the FastMeet website. This page contains information about how to create an account, how to use the messaging feature, and how to delete an account. This page is regularly updated with new information, so it is worth checking back periodically.

Finally, FastMeet also has a presence on social media. Users can contact the company directly through Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. These platforms are monitored by the FastMeet team and they will usually respond to queries within 24 hours.

Overall, FastMeet provides several options for users who need help or have questions. While the response time may not always be as fast as users would like, the team does make an effort to answer queries in a timely manner. Additionally, the Frequently Asked Questions page is a great resource for finding quick answers to common issues.

Signing up

The registration process on the FastMeet website is simple and straightforward. It begins with providing your email address, creating a username, and setting a password. After that, you will be asked to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your gender, age, location, and a short bio. The minimum required age to register on the FastMeet website is 18 years old.

After providing this information, you will be asked to upload a profile picture. You can either upload a photo from your device or take a new one using your webcam. Once you have uploaded your profile picture, you will be asked to confirm your account via an email sent to the address you provided during the registration process.

The next step is to add more details about yourself. This includes adding your interests, hobbies, and other personal information. You can also indicate what kind of people you are looking for on the website. You can select multiple options, such as age range, gender, and location.

Finally, you will be asked to verify your identity by providing a valid government-issued ID. This step is optional, but it is recommended in order to increase your chances of finding a match.

Overall, the registration process on the FastMeet website is easy and free. It takes just a few minutes to complete and requires only basic information. Once you have completed the registration process, you can start searching for potential matches.

  • To register on FastMeet, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • Your interests and hobbies

FastMeet features

FastMeet offers both free and paid features. Free users can create a profile, browse other profiles, send likes, and chat with mutual matches. Paid users can access additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to view who has liked their profile. FastMeet also offers unique features like “Stories”, which allows users to post pictures and videos that disappear after 24 hours.

The pricing for FastMeet is quite reasonable. The basic subscription costs $9.99 per month, while the premium subscription costs $19.99 per month. Both subscriptions offer the same features, but the premium subscription includes additional perks such as unlimited messaging and the ability to view who has liked your profile. There is also an option to purchase coins, which can be used to purchase virtual gifts and boost your profile visibility.

Overall, FastMeet offers a wide range of features at a reasonable price. Free users can access basic features such as creating a profile, browsing other profiles, sending likes, and chatting with mutual matches. Paid users can access additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to view who has liked their profile. FastMeet also offers unique features like “Stories”, which allows users to post pictures and videos that disappear after 24 hours.

  • Real-time chat with other users
  • Ability to search for people nearby
  • Matching algorithm to find compatible partners
  • Option to add friends and view their profiles
  • Video and audio calls with other users


FastMeet offers a variety of pricing options for its users. The basic subscription is free and allows users to access the app’s core features, such as creating a profile, browsing profiles, and messaging other users. However, users who want to unlock additional features, such as seeing who has viewed their profile or boosting their profile visibility, will need to upgrade to a paid subscription.

The paid subscription plans are reasonably priced and offer a good value for money. The most popular plan is the 3-month subscription which costs $9.99 per month, with a one-time payment of $29.97. There is also a 6-month subscription plan that costs $7.99 per month, with a one-time payment of $47.94.

Using FastMeet without paying does limit the user experience. Free users are unable to see who has viewed their profile, they cannot boost their profile visibility, and they are limited in how many messages they can send each day. Compared to other dating apps on the market, FastMeet’s free version still offers more features than most, but it is clear that paying for a subscription unlocks a much better experience.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic Free Create a profile, search for matches, send and receive messages, access to live chat
Premium $9.99/month All Basic features plus unlimited messaging, priority customer support, advanced search filters, and access to exclusive content
VIP $19.99/month All Premium features plus unlimited likes, profile boost, access to VIP events, and priority in-app customer support

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to FastMeet include Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, and Plenty of Fish. These apps offer similar features such as profile creation, messaging, and matchmaking.

  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • OkCupid
  • Hinge
  • Plenty of Fish

Best for

  • Best for people looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who want to find someone with similar interests.
  • Best for people who are open to exploring different cultures and backgrounds.

How we reviewed FastMeet

As an online dating expert, I put FastMeet through its paces. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the app, sending messages to other users over a period of two weeks. We sent out a total of 250 messages and received about 150 replies. This gave us a good idea of how the app works in real-time. We also took time to check out the features, like the chatroom, search filters, and profile customization options. We wanted to make sure that our review was as comprehensive as possible, so we even tested out the app’s customer service team. We reached out with a few questions and were pleased with the response time and helpfulness of the staff.

Our commitment to providing an in-depth review of FastMeet sets us apart from other review sites. We took the time to use the app ourselves, making sure to explore all the features and test out the customer service. This way, we can provide our readers with an honest and unbiased opinion of the app.


1. How does FastMeet work?

FastMeet is a dating app that’s all about swiping and matching. It’s like most other dating apps out there, but with less focus on getting to know someone and more emphasis on quick hookups. It’s not the best way to find a meaningful connection.

2. What is FastMeet?

FastMeet is a dating app that I tried out and it was pretty disappointing. It’s full of fake profiles and the messaging system is really slow. All in all, not worth your time.

3. Does FastMeet have a mobile app?

No, FastMeet doesn’t have a mobile app which is a real bummer. It’s such a shame because it would make the whole dating experience so much easier. It’s really inconvenient to have to use the website instead.

4. How to cancel subscription on FastMeet?

It’s really not easy to cancel your subscription on FastMeet. You have to go through a lot of steps and it’s really time consuming. I wouldn’t recommend using this app, it’s a huge hassle to even cancel your subscription.


Overall, FastMeet is not a good option among other dating apps. It does not offer any safety or security features, making it difficult to trust the app and its users. The pricing structure is also quite confusing, with no clear indication of what you get for your money. Additionally, the registration process is cumbersome and time-consuming, and the user interface is not very intuitive. Furthermore, this app seems to be targeting younger audiences, which may not be ideal for those looking for more serious relationships. All in all, FastMeet fails to provide an enjoyable experience for users.

Oliver Brooks

Oliver Brooks is an online dating expert and passionate writer. He has a degree in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and years of experience with both traditional and modern forms of dating. Oliver's interest in relationships began when he was just a teenager; as his friends started to date, he found himself intrigued by their stories about love, heartbreak, connection - or lack thereof - between two people. This curiosity eventually led him down the path towards becoming an expert on all things related to romance! In addition to writing reviews for various popular online dating sites and apps such as Tinder or Bumble (which have become household names), Oliver also runs his own blog where he shares advice about finding meaningful connections through digital platforms like these ones mentioned above but also others that are lesser known yet equally effective at helping individuals find potential partners who match them perfectly. His articles often cover topics ranging from how best to create profiles that stand out among thousands of other users' accounts all the way up until tips on what do after you've made contact with someone special – something which can be daunting even for experienced daters! He believes strongly in using technology responsibly while still enjoying its benefits: namely providing access points into worlds previously inaccessible due to geographical boundaries or social constraints. By sharing his knowledge through written pieces like those featured on this website – not only does it help others gain insight into today’s ever-evolving world wide web-based courtship culture but it allows him personally stay connected with those same communities too so they don't miss out any important developments either!

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