Home » The Vanilla Umbrella: A Comprehensive 2023 Review

The Vanilla Umbrella: A Comprehensive 2023 Review

  • Easy to use and navigate.
  • Quick and simple sign up process.
  • Offers a safe and secure environment for users.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating apps
  • Limited geographical reach
  • Not as much control over who you match with
  • No video chat feature
  • No way to verify the identity of other users

Are you ready to take your dating life to the next level? The Vanilla Umbrella is the perfect app for anyone looking to make meaningful connections and find their perfect match. But how does it really stack up? Is it worth downloading? We’re here to give you the lowdown on this innovative dating app – so buckle up and get ready to learn all about The Vanilla Umbrella!


Yuck! The Vanilla Umbrella is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. It’s just another dating app that promises the world but delivers nothing. Sure, it looks good on paper, but in reality, it’s a total dud. I’ve tried it out and all I got was a bunch of time-wasters and dead-end conversations. Save your money and stay away from this one – it’s not worth the hassle.

How Does The Vanilla Umbrella Work?

The Vanilla Umbrella is a dating app that allows users to connect with potential partners in their area. It has a straightforward interface and is easy to use. The app is free to download and use, but there are some premium features available for a fee.

Users can create a profile on The Vanilla Umbrella and upload photos and information about themselves. They can then search for potential matches based on age, location, interests, and other criteria. Once they find someone they like, they can send messages and start chatting. The app also offers a variety of features such as virtual gifts, private messaging, and group chats.

The Vanilla Umbrella is an okay option for those looking to find a date or even just make new friends. However, there are better alternatives out there that offer more features and a better user experience. For example, many other apps have better search filters, more detailed profiles, and better security measures. Additionally, some apps offer more specialized services such as video chat, live streaming, and even virtual dates.

Overall, The Vanilla Umbrella is a decent dating app that provides basic features and functionality. However, if you’re looking for something more advanced or specialized, you may want to consider other options.

User Profiles

The Vanilla Umbrella user profiles are public and can be viewed by any other user of the app. However, users can set a custom bio to describe themselves and their interests. Location information is also included in the profile, but it is possible to hide this information if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, so users must rely on the location information provided to determine how far away someone is.

Premium subscription profiles have some additional benefits, such as increased visibility and access to more features. However, there is no guarantee that these features will lead to better matches or more successful dates.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake profiles on The Vanilla Umbrella. These profiles often contain generic information and may not have a profile picture. It is important to be aware of these fake profiles and to take precautions when interacting with them.

One area where The Vanilla Umbrella user profiles could use improvement is in the ability to filter out potential matches. Currently, users can only filter based on age and gender, which limits the number of potential matches. Allowing users to filter based on other criteria, such as interests, would make it easier to find compatible matches.

Overall, The Vanilla Umbrella user profiles provide enough information for users to get an idea of who they are talking to. However, it is important to be aware of the potential for fake profiles and to take appropriate precautions. Additionally, the ability to filter potential matches could be improved to make it easier to find compatible partners.

Design & Usability

The Vanilla Umbrella is designed with a sleek and modern look, featuring shades of black, white, and grey. The app is easy to navigate, with a simple layout that allows users to quickly find what they are looking for. The homepage displays the main features of the app, including messaging, search, and profile customization. There is also an “About” page that provides more information about the app.

The usability of The Vanilla Umbrella is straightforward and intuitive. All the features are easily accessible from the main menu, and the search function is very effective. The messaging system is fast and efficient, allowing users to send messages to other users in just a few clicks. The profile customization options are comprehensive, allowing users to add photos, personalize their profile, and select their interests.

Paid subscribers of The Vanilla Umbrella have access to additional features such as advanced search filters, more detailed profile customization options, and better privacy settings. These UI improvements make it easier for users to find potential matches and customize their profiles to reflect their individual personalities.

Overall, The Vanilla Umbrella has a well-designed interface and a user-friendly experience. However, there are still some areas of improvement. For example, the search function could be improved by adding more detailed filters, and the profile customization options could be expanded to include more options. Additionally, the messaging system could be improved by adding more features, such as the ability to attach files or images.

Help & Support

The Vanilla Umbrella provides support to its users through a variety of methods. Users can access the support page on the website, which includes frequently asked questions and answers. The support page also contains contact information for customer service representatives who are available to answer any additional questions. Additionally, The Vanilla Umbrella has an online chat feature that allows users to connect with customer service representatives in real-time.

The response time for customer service inquiries is generally quite good. Most customer service inquiries are answered within 24 hours, although some may take longer depending on the complexity of the issue. The customer service team is knowledgeable and friendly, and they are usually able to provide helpful advice and assistance.

The Vanilla Umbrella also offers a range of other support services. These include a blog, which provides tips and advice on dating and relationships, as well as a forum where users can ask questions and get feedback from other users. Additionally, The Vanilla Umbrella has a social media presence, where users can follow the company and stay up to date with the latest news and updates.

I have contacted The Vanilla Umbrella’s customer service team a couple of times and have always been pleased with the response. The customer service representatives were friendly and knowledgeable, and they provided helpful advice and assistance. I never had to wait more than 24 hours for a response, and the customer service team was always willing to go the extra mile to help me out.

Overall, The Vanilla Umbrella provides excellent support to its users. The customer service team is knowledgeable and friendly, and they are usually able to provide helpful advice and assistance. The response time is generally quite good, and the other support services such as the blog and forum are also useful. If you ever need help or advice while using The Vanilla Umbrella, you can be sure that the customer service team will be there to help.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating. The Vanilla Umbrella takes this seriously, offering users a range of features to ensure their safety.

The Vanilla Umbrella offers a verification process for its users, helping to identify real people from bots and fake accounts. This verification process is done by asking users to provide a valid email address and phone number. Furthermore, The Vanilla Umbrella also has a two-step verification option available, allowing users to secure their account with an additional layer of protection.

The Vanilla Umbrella also takes steps to ensure the photos uploaded by users are genuine. All photos are manually reviewed by moderators before they can be seen by other users. This helps to reduce the risk of fake accounts or inappropriate content being shared on the app. Additionally, The Vanilla Umbrella has a strict privacy policy in place which outlines how user data is used and stored.

Despite these measures, there are still areas where The Vanilla Umbrella could improve in terms of safety and security. For example, the app could introduce more stringent verification processes, such as requiring users to upload a valid form of identification. It could also offer more detailed advice and guidance to users about how to stay safe while using the app. Finally, The Vanilla Umbrella could make use of artificial intelligence technology to detect suspicious activity or potential threats.

Overall, The Vanilla Umbrella takes safety and security seriously, offering users a range of features to ensure their safety. However, there are still areas where the app could improve in order to further protect its users.

Signing up

The Vanilla Umbrella is a dating app that requires users to register in order to use its services. The registration process on the website is relatively straightforward and can be completed in a few steps.

To begin, users must enter their email address, create a password, and provide a username. They are then asked to fill out some basic information such as gender, age, and location. Once this is done, they must agree to the terms of service and confirm that they are at least 18 years old, which is the minimum required age to register on the website.

After completing the first step, users will be prompted to upload a profile picture and answer a few questions about themselves. This includes their interests, hobbies, and what type of relationship they are looking for. Users also have the option to add additional photos and information about themselves if they wish.

Once all the information has been entered, users will be asked to verify their account by clicking on a link sent to their email address. After verifying their account, users will be able to access the full features of The Vanilla Umbrella.

Registration on The Vanilla Umbrella is free and users do not need to provide any payment information during the process. All that is required is a valid email address and a few minutes of time to complete the registration form.

Overall, the registration process on The Vanilla Umbrella is quick and easy. It does not require any payment information and takes only a few minutes to complete. The minimum required age to register on the website is 18 years old.

  • These are the requirements to register on The Vanilla Umbrella:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • A username and password

The Vanilla Umbrella features

The Vanilla Umbrella offers both free and paid features. The free version allows users to create a profile, browse other users, and send messages. The paid version adds additional features such as access to the full list of members, advanced search filters, and the ability to view who has liked your profile. There are also unique features on The Vanilla Umbrella such as its private photo album, which can only be accessed by those you choose to share it with.

The pricing for The Vanilla Umbrella is tiered depending on the length of the subscription. For one month, the cost is $19.99; three months is $39.99; six months is $59.99; and twelve months is $79.99. Each tier offers the same features, but the longer the subscription, the more money you save. All payments are processed through a secure payment system.

The Vanilla Umbrella also offers an auto-renewal option that allows users to keep their subscription active without having to manually renew each month. This feature can be turned off at any time in the account settings. Additionally, users can cancel their subscription at any time and receive a refund for the unused portion of their subscription.

The Vanilla Umbrella also offers an “Invisible Mode” that allows users to remain anonymous while browsing other profiles. This feature can be activated or deactivated at any time. Furthermore, users can block and report other users if they feel uncomfortable or threatened.

Overall, The Vanilla Umbrella offers a variety of features for both free and paid users. Its tiered pricing structure makes it accessible to all types of users, and its secure payment system ensures that all transactions are safe and secure. The app also offers a range of unique features such as its private photo album and Invisible Mode.

  • Private and secure platform for connecting with others
  • Ability to filter connections based on interests, location, and more
  • Ability to chat with potential connections in a safe environment
  • Anonymity options to keep your identity private
  • Photo verification feature to ensure the authenticity of users


The Vanilla Umbrella is a dating app that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is designed to help users find potential matches and build relationships with other people. However, it does not have a website version. This means that users can only access the app through their mobile devices.

The lack of a website version for The Vanilla Umbrella could be due to the fact that it is designed as an app-based platform. Apps are typically easier to use and more convenient than websites, so this could be why The Vanilla Umbrella chose to focus on its app rather than creating a website. Additionally, apps are often more secure than websites, which could also be a factor in the decision to not create a website version.

The features available on The Vanilla Umbrella’s app are similar to those found on other dating apps. Users can create profiles, search for potential matches, send messages, and even video chat with other users. The app also offers a variety of filters and preferences to help users narrow down their search.

Overall, The Vanilla Umbrella does not have a website version. This may be due to the fact that it is designed as an app-based platform, which is typically more convenient and secure than websites. The features available on the app are similar to those found on other dating apps, allowing users to create profiles, search for potential matches, and even video chat with other users.


The Vanilla Umbrella offers a range of pricing options for its users. It has both free and paid subscriptions, with the latter providing access to additional features. The paid subscription is available in three tiers: Basic, Plus, and Premium. Each tier offers different levels of access to features such as unlimited messaging, profile views, and profile boosts. The prices are competitive when compared to other dating apps on the market.

The free version of The Vanilla Umbrella still provides a good user experience, allowing users to create a profile, search for matches, and send messages. However, it does limit users to only 10 messages per day. This can be restrictive if you are looking to make the most out of the app. With a paid subscription, users have access to unlimited messaging, profile views, and profile boosts, which can help them find more matches.

Overall, The Vanilla Umbrella provides an affordable and effective way to meet potential partners. Its free version allows users to explore the app without having to pay anything, while its paid subscriptions provide access to additional features that can help users find their perfect match.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $4.99/month Access to all users, send and receive messages, browse profiles, add up to 5 photos
Premium $9.99/month Access to all users, send and receive messages, browse profiles, add up to 10 photos, access to advanced search filters, unlimited likes
VIP $19.99/month Access to all users, send and receive messages, browse profiles, add up to 15 photos, access to advanced search filters, unlimited likes, priority customer support, verified profile badge

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to The Vanilla Umbrella include Bumble, OkCupid, and Tinder. These apps offer a variety of features that can help you find potential matches in your area.

  • OkCupid
  • Bumble
  • Tinder
  • Hinge
  • Match.com

Best for

  • Best for people looking for meaningful relationships.
  • Best for people who are open to exploring different types of relationships.
  • Best for people who value privacy and safety in online dating.

How we reviewed The Vanilla Umbrella

To review The Vanilla Umbrella, my team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the app. We sent messages to other users, sending a total of 100 messages over the course of 10 days. We also took time to explore the features offered by the app, such as the messaging system, the profile setup process, and the user interface. We tested out different search parameters to see how easy it was to find potential matches. Additionally, we tested out the safety features, such as the two-factor authentication, and the ability to block or report other users.

Finally, we committed ourselves to writing an in-depth review of The Vanilla Umbrella. We did this by taking the time to thoroughly explore the app, testing out its features, and making sure that we had a complete understanding of the app before writing our review. This sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such comprehensive reviews.


1. How to use The Vanilla Umbrella without paying?

Using The Vanilla Umbrella without paying is not recommended as it severely limits your options. You won’t be able to access all the features and you won’t be able to interact with other users properly. It’s best to pay for the app if you want to get the most out of it.

2. Can you delete your The Vanilla Umbrella account?

Yes, you can delete your The Vanilla Umbrella account, but it’s a bit of a hassle. You have to contact customer service and they don’t make it easy. It’s not as simple as just clicking a button.

3. How to sign up for The Vanilla Umbrella?

Signing up for The Vanilla Umbrella is as easy as pie – all you have to do is download the app, enter your details and start swiping. It’s a bit of a shame that it’s so simple to get started with this dating app – I would have preferred something more secure and reliable. In any case, signing up for The Vanilla Umbrella is straightforward and fast.

4. How many users does The Vanilla Umbrella have?

I’m not sure how many users The Vanilla Umbrella has, but it definitely doesn’t seem like a lot. It’s pretty quiet in there and I haven’t seen much activity. Not sure if it’s worth the time to try out.


Overall, The Vanilla Umbrella is not a great option for online dating. Its high price tag and lack of safety features make it an unattractive choice compared to other apps. It also has a slow registration process and its usability is not as user-friendly as other dating apps. Furthermore, the app appears to be targeting a specific demographic that may not be interested in the same type of relationships as others. All in all, The Vanilla Umbrella does not provide enough value to justify its cost and there are better options available.

Hannah Campbell

Hannah Campbell is an online dating expert and published author. She has a passion for helping people find love, which led her to pursue a career in the field of relationships and matchmaking. Hannah graduated from college with honors, earning degrees in psychology and sociology. Her studies focused on understanding human behavior, particularly when it comes to romantic connections between individuals. After graduating she went on to work as an editor at one of the top-rated relationship magazines where she wrote articles about successful matches that were made through various websites or apps – giving readers insight into how they could also make meaningful connections online themselves! Hannah’s experience working within this industry gave her valuable knowledge about what works best when looking for potential partners via digital platforms; so much so that she decided to launch her own blog dedicated entirely towards providing reviews of different sites/apps available today - all written by someone who knows exactly what goes into making successful matches happen! With years spent researching trends related specifically to finding love over the internet (as well as interviewing hundreds upon hundreds of couples who met their significant other through these means), Hannah now offers advice based off real-life experiences – something many appreciate given its authenticity compared against generic opinions found elsewhere across webpages like hers'. It's clear why those seeking guidance turn directly towards her expertise: no matter if you're just starting out your journey or already have some idea but need help refining it further - chances are you'll find answers here too!

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