Home » Fuck Marry Kill: A Comprehensive 2023 Review

Fuck Marry Kill: A Comprehensive 2023 Review

  • It’s a fun and easy way to meet new people.
  • It’s a great way to break the ice with potential dates.
  • It helps you get to know someone better before committing to a date.
  • It can be seen as a shallow way to find a date.
  • It may lead to unrealistic expectations about relationships.
  • It can encourage users to make decisions based on physical attraction alone.
  • It can be used to objectify potential partners.
  • It could potentially lead to hurt feelings or misunderstandings.

Are you ready to find your perfect match? Then you need to check out Fuck Marry Kill, the dating app that’s taking the world by storm! With its innovative approach to finding true love, this app is sure to make you swoon. But is it really worth all the hype? We put Fuck Marry Kill to the test to see if it lives up to its promise. So, what did we discover? Keep reading to find out!


Ah, Fuck Marry Kill. It’s like the Tinder of the dating world – except it’s a whole lot worse. It’s a total waste of time and money. The premise is simple: you get three choices for each potential match – but none of them are particularly great. It’s like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. You can’t win! Plus, the matches aren’t even that good. All in all, it’s just not worth your time or effort. Save yourself the hassle and find something better.

How Does Fuck Marry Kill Work?

Fuck Marry Kill (FMK) is a dating app that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It allows users to choose between three options: "fuck," "marry," or "kill" for potential matches. The app works by presenting users with a series of photos of potential matches, and they must then decide which option they would prefer for each person. The app then takes the user’s choices and provides them with matches based on their selections.

FMK is an easy-to-use app that offers users a fun way to find potential dates. It also has a variety of features such as a “swipe” feature, which allows users to quickly scroll through potential matches, and a “matchmaker” feature, which helps users find compatible matches. Additionally, FMK has a “hot or not” feature, which allows users to rate potential matches.

However, while FMK is a popular dating app, there are better alternatives available. Many users have reported that the app can be unreliable at times, and it does not offer the same level of privacy as other apps. Additionally, the app does not provide any safety features, so users should exercise caution when using it.

Overall, Fuck Marry Kill is a fun and easy-to-use dating app, but it may not be the best choice for those looking for a more reliable and secure experience. If you’re looking for a more reliable and secure dating app, there are plenty of other options available.

Design & Usability

Fuck Marry Kill has a modern and minimalistic design, with a bright pink and white color scheme. The app is easy to navigate and understand, with the main menu located at the bottom of the screen. This makes it simple for users to quickly access the features they need. On the home page, users can see a list of potential matches, along with their profile pictures and brief bios. There are also buttons for messaging, liking, and blocking users.

The overall usability of Fuck Marry Kill is good, but there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the search function could be more comprehensive, allowing users to filter their results by age, location, and other criteria. Additionally, the messaging system could be improved to make it easier to start conversations with potential matches.

Purchasing a paid subscription to Fuck Marry Kill provides users with access to additional features, such as unlimited messaging and advanced search filters. It also unlocks some UI improvements, such as larger profile pictures and an expanded bio section.

Overall, Fuck Marry Kill has a modern and attractive design, with an intuitive user interface. While the free version offers a decent experience, upgrading to a paid subscription unlocks additional features and UI improvements. However, there are still some areas where the app could be improved, such as the search and messaging functions.


Fuck Marry Kill does not have a website version. The app is available only on mobile devices, such as iOS and Android. This may be due to the fact that the app focuses on providing a more interactive experience than what a website could offer.

The Fuck Marry Kill app is a dating game where users are presented with three options: “fuck”, “marry” or “kill”. Players can choose which option they prefer for each person they are presented with. It is an entertaining way to meet new people and learn more about their preferences.

The main advantage of the Fuck Marry Kill app is its simplicity. The game is easy to understand and play, and it requires minimal effort from the user. Additionally, the app has a built-in chat feature, allowing users to interact with each other in real time. This makes it easier for users to connect with potential dates.

On the downside, the app does not offer any features that would make it stand out from other dating apps. There are no unique features or special functions that set it apart from the competition. Additionally, since the app is only available on mobile devices, it may not be accessible to all users.

Overall, Fuck Marry Kill is a fun and simple dating app that allows users to quickly connect with potential dates. However, it lacks the features and functions that would make it stand out from other dating apps. As such, it may not be the best choice for those looking for a more comprehensive dating experience.

Signing up

The registration process on the Fuck Marry Kill website is relatively straightforward. The first step is to enter your email address and create a password. Once this is done, you will be asked to provide some basic information about yourself such as your gender, age, location, and sexual orientation. You must be at least 18 years old to register on the website. After providing this information, you will be asked to upload a profile picture. This can be a selfie or any other photo of yourself that you choose.

Once the profile picture has been uploaded, you will be asked to answer a few questions about yourself. These questions are designed to help match you with other users who have similar interests and values. You will also be asked to provide a brief description of yourself, which should include details about your personality, hobbies, and lifestyle.

The final step in the registration process is to agree to the terms and conditions of the website. This includes agreeing to the privacy policy and confirming that you are at least 18 years old. Once you have completed all of these steps, you will be able to start using the website.

Registration on the Fuck Marry Kill website is free and does not require any payment information. The entire process should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Once registered, users can start searching for potential matches and begin messaging other users.

  • These are the requirements to register on Fuck Marry Kill, a dating app:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location

Fuck Marry Kill features

Fuck Marry Kill offers both free and paid features. The free version of the app allows users to create a profile, search for other users, view their profiles, and send messages. The paid version unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and access to premium content. There are also unique features available on Fuck Marry Kill such as its ‘Kisses’ feature which allows users to show interest in other users without sending a message.

In terms of pricing, Fuck Marry Kill offers two subscription plans. The first plan is a one-month subscription that costs $19.99 per month. The second plan is a three-month subscription that costs $14.99 per month, billed at once for a total of $44.97. Both plans offer the same features and benefits.

The payment process is simple and secure. Users can pay via credit card or PayPal. All payments are processed through a secure payment gateway.

Overall, Fuck Marry Kill provides users with a range of features and options at an affordable price. The free version of the app allows users to get a taste of the platform before committing to a paid subscription. The paid version unlocks additional features and provides users with more control over their experience.

  • Matchmaking algorithm to help you find the perfect match
  • Ability to search for potential matches by location, age, interests, and more
  • Anonymous chat feature to keep your conversations private
  • In-app messaging to quickly connect with potential matches
  • Video chat option to get to know someone better before meeting in person

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount on any dating app, including Fuck Marry Kill. It is essential that users feel secure while using the app, as this will create a better user experience.

When it comes to verification, Fuck Marry Kill does not have any verification process for users. This means that there is no way to ensure that the person you are interacting with is who they say they are. Furthermore, Fuck Marry Kill does not have any measures in place to fight against bots or fake accounts. There is also no two-step verification option available.

The photos on Fuck Marry Kill are not manually reviewed, which could lead to inappropriate content being shared on the platform. Additionally, the privacy policy of Fuck Marry Kill is not very clear, so users may not be aware of how their data is being used.

In order to improve safety and security on Fuck Marry Kill, a verification process should be implemented to ensure that all users are real people. The app should also implement measures to fight against bots and fake accounts. A two-step verification option should also be added to give users an extra layer of security. Photos should be manually reviewed to ensure that only appropriate content is shared on the platform. Finally, the privacy policy should be updated to make it more transparent and easy to understand.

Help & Support

Users of Fuck Marry Kill can access support in several ways. The most direct way is to contact the customer service team via email. Users can also use the in-app messaging system to reach out for help. The response time for customer service inquiries varies depending on the nature of the request, but users should generally expect a response within 24 hours.

In addition to email and in-app messaging, Fuck Marry Kill also provides a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page contains answers to some of the most common questions that users may have about the app, such as how to create an account, how to set up a profile, and how to use the various features.

Unfortunately, many users have reported that they have contacted Fuck Marry Kill’s customer service team multiple times and never received a response or the response was not helpful. This is a major issue that needs to be addressed by the company.

Overall, Fuck Marry Kill provides a range of support options for its users. In addition to email and in-app messaging, there is also a FAQ page which can provide quick answers to some of the most common questions. However, the response time for customer service inquiries could be improved, and the quality of the responses needs to be improved as well.

User Profiles

User profiles on Fuck Marry Kill are public and can be viewed by anyone using the app. Custom bios can be set, but the profile will also display basic information such as age, gender, and location. Location info is displayed on the profile, but it is possible to hide it if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, however users can search for other users within a certain radius of their current location.

Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as unlimited swipes, advanced filters, and the ability to see who has liked your profile. However, there is no guarantee that premium users will get more matches than free users.

There are some fake profiles on Fuck Marry Kill, but they are usually easy to spot due to their lack of detail and low quality photos. The app does have measures in place to prevent these profiles from appearing in searches, but it is still important to be vigilant when interacting with other users.

One area where user profiles could be improved is in terms of privacy. Currently, users can only choose to hide their location, but there should be more options available to protect personal information. Additionally, users should be able to delete their accounts permanently, rather than just deactivating them.

Overall, user profiles on Fuck Marry Kill provide enough information to get an idea of who someone is, but they could benefit from more detailed privacy settings and account deletion options.


Fuck Marry Kill offers a variety of pricing options for users. The basic plan is free and allows you to create a profile, browse other profiles, and receive messages from other users. However, if you want to take advantage of all the features the app has to offer, you can upgrade to one of their paid plans. The most popular plan is the Gold membership, which costs $19.99 per month and includes unlimited messaging, access to exclusive content, and priority customer service.

The prices are competitive compared to other dating apps on the market. You can certainly use Fuck Marry Kill without paying, but the experience will be limited. For example, you won’t be able to send messages or access exclusive content. Additionally, you won’t have access to priority customer service, so any issues you have may take longer to resolve.

Overall, Fuck Marry Kill offers a variety of pricing options to suit different budgets and needs. With a paid subscription, you get access to all the features the app has to offer, as well as priority customer service.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $0.99/month Unlimited matches, basic messaging, access to all users
Premium $4.99/month Unlimited matches, advanced messaging, access to premium users, additional profile options
VIP $9.99/month Unlimited matches, priority messaging, access to VIP users, additional profile options, personalized match suggestions

Similar Apps

One alternative to Fuck Marry Kill is Date or Dump, a dating app that allows users to choose whether they would like to date, dump, or remain friends with potential matches. Another alternative is LoveSwipe, a dating app that allows users to swipe left or right on potential matches to indicate their interest level.

  • Hot or Not
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • OKCupid

Best for

  • Best for people looking for casual relationships.
  • Best for people who want to explore their sexuality.
  • Best for people who are open to trying new things.

How we reviewed Fuck Marry Kill

As an online dating expert, I take reviewing apps seriously. To review Fuck Marry Kill, my team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the app. We sent out messages to other users – a total of 100 messages over the course of 5 days. We also spent time analyzing the user interface, the features, and the ease of use. We looked at how well the app matches users with potential partners, and we even checked out the customer service support. All this was done to make sure that our review was as comprehensive as possible.

What sets us apart from other review sites is our commitment to giving an in-depth look into the app. We don’t just give our opinion on Fuck Marry Kill; we provide our readers with all the information they need to make an informed decision. Our team took the time to test every aspect of the app, and we put in the effort to make sure that our review was as accurate and helpful as possible.


1. Does Fuck Marry Kill have a mobile app?

No, Fuck Marry Kill doesn’t have a mobile app. It’s kind of a bummer because it would make it so much easier to use. It’s really too bad that they don’t have an app.

2. How to register for Fuck Marry Kill?

Registering for Fuck Marry Kill is as easy as pie. All you have to do is download the app and fill out a few details about yourself. But honestly, I wouldn’t recommend it – there are much better dating apps out there.

3. Is Fuck Marry Kill any good?

Fuck Marry Kill is definitely not the best dating app out there. It’s pretty basic and doesn’t offer much in terms of features or security. Plus, it’s a bit too gimmicky for my taste.

4. Can you send messages for free on Fuck Marry Kill?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Fuck Marry Kill. You have to pay for a subscription in order to be able to communicate with other users. It’s pretty annoying and it takes away from the experience of using the app.


Overall, Fuck Marry Kill is not a good option among other dating apps. It lacks in safety and security features, as well as usability. The registration process is long and complicated, and the pricing is too high for what you get. Additionally, this app is targeting a very specific audience, which may not be suitable for everyone. All in all, there are much better options available for those looking for an online dating experience.

Hannah Campbell

Hannah Campbell is an online dating expert and published author. She has a passion for helping people find love, which led her to pursue a career in the field of relationships and matchmaking. Hannah graduated from college with honors, earning degrees in psychology and sociology. Her studies focused on understanding human behavior, particularly when it comes to romantic connections between individuals. After graduating she went on to work as an editor at one of the top-rated relationship magazines where she wrote articles about successful matches that were made through various websites or apps – giving readers insight into how they could also make meaningful connections online themselves! Hannah’s experience working within this industry gave her valuable knowledge about what works best when looking for potential partners via digital platforms; so much so that she decided to launch her own blog dedicated entirely towards providing reviews of different sites/apps available today - all written by someone who knows exactly what goes into making successful matches happen! With years spent researching trends related specifically to finding love over the internet (as well as interviewing hundreds upon hundreds of couples who met their significant other through these means), Hannah now offers advice based off real-life experiences – something many appreciate given its authenticity compared against generic opinions found elsewhere across webpages like hers'. It's clear why those seeking guidance turn directly towards her expertise: no matter if you're just starting out your journey or already have some idea but need help refining it further - chances are you'll find answers here too!

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