Home » ChristianCupid Review: A Comprehensive Guide in 2023

ChristianCupid Review: A Comprehensive Guide in 2023

  • ChristianCupid makes it easy to find like-minded Christian singles.
  • It has a user-friendly interface and is great for building relationships.
  • The site offers helpful tools and features to make online dating more enjoyable.
  • Limited search options for non-paying members.
  • No mobile app available.
  • Not as many users as other dating sites.
  • Lack of communication features for free members.
  • Profile pictures are not always visible to all users.

Are you a Christian looking for love? Well, look no further than ChristianCupid! This dating site has been connecting single Christians since 2000 and is sure to help you find your perfect match. But how does it work? Is it worth the cost? What kind of features does it offer? We’ll answer all these questions and more in our review of ChristianCupid. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!


ChristianCupid is like a bad blind date. It looks good on paper, but in reality it’s a total letdown. It’s not worth the time or money you’d spend trying to make it work. The profiles are sparse and there’s no real sense of community. Plus, the matches are so off-base that it’s almost comical. If you’re looking for a meaningful connection with someone who shares your faith, ChristianCupid is not the place to go. Save yourself the hassle and look elsewhere.

How Does ChristianCupid Work?

ChristianCupid is an online dating site specifically designed for Christian singles. It was created by Cupid Media, a company that specializes in niche dating sites. The site has been around since 2006 and has helped thousands of Christians find their perfect match.

ChristianCupid offers a wide range of features to help you find your ideal partner. You can create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send messages, and even participate in chat rooms. The site also has advanced search filters so you can narrow down your search to find the perfect match.

The registration process is quick and easy. All you need to do is provide basic information such as your name, age, gender, and location. Once you’ve completed the registration process, you can start browsing through the profiles of other members.

ChristianCupid also offers a variety of safety features to ensure that your experience is safe and secure. The site has a strict anti-spam policy and encourages users to report any suspicious activity. Additionally, all new members must be approved by the site’s moderators before they can access the site.

Overall, ChristianCupid is a great option for Christian singles looking for a long-term relationship. While it does offer some useful features, there are better alternatives out there. However, if you’re looking for a safe and secure platform to meet potential partners, then ChristianCupid is definitely worth considering.

ChristianCupid features

ChristianCupid offers both free and paid features. Free users can create a profile, browse other members, and send messages to those who have a premium subscription. Paid users have access to all the features of the platform, including unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, profile highlighting, and incognito mode. ChristianCupid also offers unique features such as a “Matchmaker” service, which helps users find potential matches based on their interests and preferences.

Pricing for ChristianCupid varies depending on the length of the subscription plan. For example, a one-month subscription costs $29.98, while a three-month subscription costs $59.99. A six-month subscription is priced at $119.98, and a twelve-month subscription is priced at $239.99. All plans come with a money-back guarantee if the user is not satisfied with the service.

In addition to these subscription plans, ChristianCupid also offers a “Platinum Membership” option, which includes additional features such as profile highlighting, VIP profile highlighting, message translation, and more. The Platinum Membership plan is priced at $34.99 per month for a one-month subscription, $69.98 for a three-month subscription, $139.99 for a six-month subscription, and $279.99 for a twelve-month subscription.

Overall, ChristianCupid offers a variety of pricing options to suit different needs and budgets. The free version provides basic features, while the paid versions offer more advanced features and services. Additionally, the unique Matchmaker service and Platinum Membership options provide users with additional benefits.

  • Free sign up and profile creation
  • Secure messaging system
  • Easy to use search filters
  • Advanced matching algorithm
  • 24/7 customer support

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, especially on a Christian-focused site like ChristianCupid. As such, it is important to know what measures the site has in place to ensure that users can feel safe while looking for love.

ChristianCupid does have some verification for users, though it is not as comprehensive as other sites. All new members must provide an email address and verify it before they can access the site. Additionally, ChristianCupid has implemented measures to fight against bots and fake accounts, including an automated system that flags suspicious activity. However, there is no two-step verification option available.

The photos of all users are manually reviewed by ChristianCupid’s team to ensure that they are appropriate. The site also has a strict privacy policy which states that all personal information is kept confidential and will never be shared with third parties.

Though ChristianCupid does have some safety and security measures in place, there is still room for improvement. For example, the site could offer a two-step verification process to further protect users’ accounts. Additionally, ChristianCupid could provide more detailed information about its privacy policy so that users can better understand how their data is being used. Finally, the site could add more tools to help users report any suspicious or inappropriate behaviour.

Mobile App

ChristianCupid does not have a mobile app. This is surprising given that many other dating sites do have apps, but there are several possible reasons why ChristianCupid has not yet released one. For starters, the site is owned by Cupid Media, which has an extensive portfolio of niche dating sites, and it could be that they have not yet prioritized developing an app for ChristianCupid. Additionally, the platform may not have enough users to justify the cost of developing an app.

That said, ChristianCupid does offer a mobile-friendly version of its website. It is optimized for both Android and iOS devices, allowing users to access the same features as on the desktop version. This includes messaging, searching for matches, and creating a profile. The mobile version also offers an intuitive user interface, making it easy to navigate and use.

The main advantage of the mobile version is that it allows users to stay connected even when they are away from their computers. They can easily access their accounts and messages on the go, making it more convenient to keep in touch with potential matches. Additionally, the mobile version is free to use, so users don’t have to pay anything extra to access it.

On the downside, the mobile version does not offer all the features available on the desktop version. For example, users cannot access the advanced search filters or the chat rooms. Additionally, the mobile version is not native, meaning it runs in a web browser instead of a dedicated app. This means it may not run as smoothly as a native app would.

Overall, ChristianCupid does not have a mobile app, but it does offer a mobile-friendly version of its website. This version is optimized for both Android and iOS devices and provides most of the features available on the desktop version. However, it is not native and does not offer all the features available on the desktop version.

Help & Support

ChristianCupid is a dating site that provides users with access to support. Users can access ChristianCupid’s support through the website, email, and telephone. The response time for ChristianCupid’s support team varies depending on the method of contact. For example, emails are typically answered within 24 hours while phone calls are answered immediately.

ChristianCupid also has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page provides answers to some of the most common questions users may have about the site. It is an excellent resource for those who want to find out more information without having to contact customer service.

In addition to the FAQs page, ChristianCupid also offers live chat support. This feature allows users to connect with a customer service representative in real-time. Live chat support is available 24/7 and can be accessed from the website or via the mobile app.

I have contacted ChristianCupid’s support team a couple of times and found their responses to be helpful. However, I have also experienced some delays in response time. On one occasion, I sent an email and did not receive a response for several days.

Overall, ChristianCupid provides a range of support options for its users. The website has an FAQs page and a live chat feature which are both great resources for finding quick answers to questions. Additionally, users can contact the support team via email or telephone for more detailed inquiries. While response times can vary, the customer service team is generally helpful and responsive.

Signing up

ChristianCupid is a dating site that requires users to register before they can access its features. The registration process is relatively straightforward and requires minimal information.

The first step in the registration process is to create an account. This involves entering a valid email address, creating a username, and setting a password. Users are also asked to select their gender and enter their date of birth. It should be noted that ChristianCupid has a minimum age requirement of 18 for all users.

Once the account is created, users are asked to provide additional information about themselves. This includes their location, ethnicity, body type, marital status, education level, occupation, and religion. Users are also asked to upload a profile photo. This is optional but recommended as it helps other users get a better sense of who they are.

After providing this information, users must agree to the terms and conditions of the website. This includes agreeing to abide by the rules and regulations of the website, as well as confirming that they are over 18 years old. Once this is done, users can click the “Create Account” button to complete the registration process.

Overall, the registration process on ChristianCupid is simple and straightforward. It requires minimal information and takes only a few minutes to complete. Registration is free and open to all users aged 18 and over.

  • In order to register on ChristianCupid, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • Your religion

Design & Usability

ChristianCupid has a modern and sleek design, with a predominantly white background and blue accents. The site is easy to navigate and the user interface is intuitive. It features several helpful tabs at the top of the page that allow users to quickly access their profile, messages, and other important sections. There are also several search filters that make it easy to find matches.

The overall look of ChristianCupid is simple and clean, with no flashy graphics or images. The font used for the text is easy to read and the colors are well-balanced. The icons used throughout the site are also clear and easy to understand.

The usability of ChristianCupid is excellent. All the features are easy to use and understand, and the layout is straightforward. The search filters are particularly useful, allowing users to quickly narrow down their search results. Additionally, the site is mobile-friendly, so users can access it from any device.

If users purchase a paid subscription, they will gain access to additional features such as advanced search filters and more detailed profiles. This makes it easier to find potential matches and get to know them better.

Overall, ChristianCupid’s design and usability are good, but there are still some areas of improvement. For example, the site could benefit from a more streamlined navigation system and more detailed search filters. Additionally, the profile section could be improved by adding more options for users to customize their profiles.

User Profiles

ChristianCupid user profiles are public and can be viewed by any member of the site. Members have the option to set a custom bio, however, it is not mandatory. The location information in the profiles is optional, so users can choose to hide it if they wish. There is no indication of the distance between users, but there is an option to search for members within a certain radius.

Premium subscription offers several benefits for users with upgraded profiles. These include access to advanced search options, unlimited messaging, the ability to view all profile photos, and more. It also allows users to highlight their profile in search results, making them more visible to other members.

ChristianCupid does its best to keep fake profiles off the site, but it’s impossible to guarantee that all profiles are genuine. To ensure the authenticity of the profiles, ChristianCupid encourages users to report any suspicious activity.

One thing that could be improved about ChristianCupid user profiles is the ability to customize the profile page. Currently, the only customization options available are changing the profile photo and adding a custom bio. It would be great if users could further personalize their profile page with different backgrounds and layouts.


ChristianCupid offers a range of pricing options for users. The basic membership is free, but to access the full range of features and communicate with other members, you need to upgrade to a paid subscription. The prices are competitive, starting at $9.99 per month for a one-month subscription, $8.50 per month for a three-month subscription, and $7.50 per month for a six-month subscription.

With a paid subscription, users can access all the features on ChristianCupid, including unlimited messaging, detailed profile search, advanced matching algorithms, and live chat support. You also get access to the CupidTag feature, which allows you to find other members who share your interests. Paid subscribers also get priority customer service and more visibility in search results.

Using ChristianCupid without paying is possible, but it does limit the features available. You can create a profile, browse through other profiles, and send smiles or likes, but you won’t be able to send messages or use any of the advanced features. Compared to other dating sites on the market, using ChristianCupid without paying feels quite limited.

Subscription Option Price Features
1 Month $39.99 Unlimited messaging, search for matches, view profiles, send and receive messages, create a profile, upload photos, and more.
3 Months $74.98 Unlimited messaging, search for matches, view profiles, send and receive messages, create a profile, upload photos, and more.
6 Months $119.94 Unlimited messaging, search for matches, view profiles, send and receive messages, create a profile, upload photos, and more.
12 Months $149.92 Unlimited messaging, search for matches, view profiles, send and receive messages, create a profile, upload photos, and more.

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to ChristianCupid include eHarmony, Christian Mingle, and Match.com. All of these sites offer a safe and secure way for Christian singles to meet and connect with other like-minded individuals.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for Christians looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for Christians who are seeking to meet someone with similar values and beliefs.
  • Best for Christians who want to find a compatible partner for marriage or long-term commitment.

How we reviewed ChristianCupid

As an online dating expert, I and my team took the time to thoroughly review ChristianCupid. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending out a total of 300 messages over a period of two weeks. During this time, we also took the time to explore the features of the site, including its search capabilities, messaging system, and profile creation process.

We wanted to make sure that our review was as comprehensive as possible, so we also took the time to read through user reviews and feedback from other users who had already used the site. This allowed us to gain a better understanding of what other people thought about ChristianCupid and gave us an insight into any potential issues that may arise when using the site.

Finally, we conducted a series of interviews with users who had recently used ChristianCupid in order to get a more detailed picture of their experiences. From these interviews, we were able to gain a better understanding of how the site works and what users can expect when they sign up.

Our commitment to providing an in-depth review of ChristianCupid sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such detailed reviews. We took the time to test the site ourselves and speak to other users in order to provide an honest and unbiased review of the service.


1. Is ChristianCupid safe?

ChristianCupid is definitely not safe. It’s a dating site, so you can never be too sure who you’re talking to. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for a secure online dating experience.

2. What payment methods does ChristianCupid accept?

ChristianCupid accepts credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers – all of which I find to be a bit too much for a dating site. It’s like they’re trying to make money off of people looking for love. Not cool.

3. Is ChristianCupid a scam?

No way! ChristianCupid is definitely not a scam. It’s a legitimate dating site with lots of great features and an active user base. I’ve had some great experiences on there, so I can vouch for it.

4. How to cancel subscription on ChristianCupid?

Cancelling a subscription on ChristianCupid is really annoying. It’s not very clear how to do it and it’s a real pain in the butt. I wouldn’t recommend using this dating site if you’re looking for an easy way to cancel your subscription.


Overall, ChristianCupid is not a great option for those looking for an online dating site. The registration process is complicated and time-consuming, the usability of the website is limited, and the pricing structure is expensive compared to other sites. Additionally, the safety and security features are lacking, making it difficult to trust the site. Ultimately, this site may be better suited for more experienced online daters who are willing to pay for the premium features and have the patience to navigate the registration process.

Hannah Campbell

Hannah Campbell is an online dating expert and published author. She has a passion for helping people find love, which led her to pursue a career in the field of relationships and matchmaking. Hannah graduated from college with honors, earning degrees in psychology and sociology. Her studies focused on understanding human behavior, particularly when it comes to romantic connections between individuals. After graduating she went on to work as an editor at one of the top-rated relationship magazines where she wrote articles about successful matches that were made through various websites or apps – giving readers insight into how they could also make meaningful connections online themselves! Hannah’s experience working within this industry gave her valuable knowledge about what works best when looking for potential partners via digital platforms; so much so that she decided to launch her own blog dedicated entirely towards providing reviews of different sites/apps available today - all written by someone who knows exactly what goes into making successful matches happen! With years spent researching trends related specifically to finding love over the internet (as well as interviewing hundreds upon hundreds of couples who met their significant other through these means), Hannah now offers advice based off real-life experiences – something many appreciate given its authenticity compared against generic opinions found elsewhere across webpages like hers'. It's clear why those seeking guidance turn directly towards her expertise: no matter if you're just starting out your journey or already have some idea but need help refining it further - chances are you'll find answers here too!

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